Ubuntu - Day 1
Install was flawless
Wifi worked perfectly without doing anything (curious what it’s using.
IBM Thinkpad buttons work, and even have graphical candy (volume)
I wanted to enable flash for Firefox:
adding support for multiverse -
apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree
Accept license
“automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes”
apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla
Restart Firefox, no love
Ubuntu forums mainly talk about using Adobe’s installer, or copying the .so files manually which I eventually did :/
I wanted to install Thunderbird (easy)
I wanted to install Emacs (easy)
I wanted to install Eclipse:
adding support for universe -
apt-get install eclipse-jdt
(following ubuntu guide) -
No love… people seem to have lots of issues, I guess:
apt-get install eclipse
Eclipse is now there, but throws error on startup
java -version
(seem to be running 1.4, need 1.5) -
apt-get install sun-java5-jdk
(impressed) -
Eclipse up and running, using sun-1.5
Fonts don’t look quite as good?
Bootup is crazy fast (to the credit of Upstart)
Today’s outcome: Ubuntu seems to be crazy polished, and things were
much easier
faster to setup than Gentoo. I will never switch away
from Gentoo on the server, but I don’t know on the desktop. Right now I
feel all dirty :/