2012-08-24 MA10 - Agate Pass
Sunrise was at 06:16 with low tide at 04:43 and a first quarter moon with a moonrise of 14:53 and moonset of 23:54. Skies were very clear and started fishing at 05:45. Fished just south of the peer (a good fisherman could have easily casted to the bridge peer itself) on the east side with an incoming tide.
Initially fished with a green clouser minnow casted downstream (south) and had an immediate strike on the first cast. On the second cast had 3 more strikes and began fighting the fish on the third strike (was dusk at the time). Fought the fish for a few minutes (it jumped at least 4 times) and lost the fish about 5 feet away from me. Was unable to determine the species of the fish, guessing it was a cutthroat. Casting involved placing the fly downstream and stripping the fly against the current. Because the clouser sank it got covered in weeds on almost every cast. Replaced it with a black floating fly (unsure of the name) and did not get another bite. Fished until 06:30 and stopped.The tide was incoming but seemed a little weak. The water was very still (aka no waves) but had a very fast current (felt like a river). There was a good amount of weeds flowing with the current just under the surface. Only saw one fish jump (probably the one I caught).