Permalink Installation
For example
1 2 3 curl -L -o pat.tgz tar -zxvf pat.tgz sudo mv pat*/pat /usr/local/bin/ Permalink Pat Configuration 1 pat configure Set your callsign Set your maidenhead locator Also setup pat to use hamlib over rigctld (and optionally set it’s http address)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 { "hamlib_rigs": { "FT-991": { "address": "localhost:4532", "network": "tcp" } }, "http_addr": "localhost:5000" } This assumes you’ve got rigctld already running, and the rig name here matches the 3rd column in $(rigctl -l)
Permalink Installation sudo dnf install wsjtx Permalink Radio settings Menu Setting Value 029 232C RATE 34000bps 031 CAT RATE 34000 062 DATA MODE OTHERS 064 OTHER DISP (SSB) 1500Hz 065 OTHER SHIFT (SSB) 1500Hz 070 DATA IN SELECT REAR Permalink DT GAIN The goal is to use the highest value, but with no visible ALC
Set the radio METER to ALC Use the TONE button in WSJT-X to transmit Raise the DT GAIN until you see ALC Then dial it back down until the ALC is no longer visible Stop transmitting (ie: click the TONE button again) Lots of people will say to keep DT GAIN at or below 10.